I believe our bodies are wise and beautiful and that when we feel strong, centred and connected we are more capable of enacting the changes we want to see in the world.
I believe that yoga can support us to feel strong, centred and connected.
Yet our lives are already bustling with the demands of work and family life that getting to a yoga class can feel like just another task on the list.
we live in a culture of guilt inducing perfectionism that sets unrealistic standards for our self-care practices. according to these standards, we are never doing enough.
We are constantly bombarded on social media with messages of how to do ‘self-care’, how other people are doing it, how often, with who, and for how long. We are told what to do with our bodies, how to eat, what beauty products will make us feel whole. This overwhelming onslaught undermines our access to our own wisdom and leaves us feeling less than, because we can’t possibly afford the time and financial investment to meet these unrealistic standards.
I believe that your yoga practice can be different, that it can be tailored to suit your own specific needs and time capacities, without overwhelming you or begetting more guilt.
I’ve designed this 3 session, 1-2-1 package for us to work together and co-create a supportive personal practice on your own terms.
I’m not an expert, I’m definitely not the expert of you. I’m a yoga co-creator.
I’m here to listen to you, to hear what you already know about what your body needs, what feels good, what feels wrong. I’m here to learn what you need from me, so we can explore how your wisdom and my experience in Forrest, Yin & Perinatal yoga, breathwork and hands on bodywork can bring the healing you want.
In the last 5 years I’ve worked with hundreds of beginner and advanced students, sharing yoga practices and tools of self inquiry. I’ll meet you wherever you are at in your yoga journey and we will work closely to to establish a yoga pratice to support you in your daily life.
On an ongoing basis, we meet once a week for an hour at Leith Yoga so that you can stay in momentum and feel the benefits of a regular practice.
We discuss your specific requirements each session, so you feel seen and heard and get adept at articulating your needs.
I ask for a commitment of 10 sessions so that we have time to get to know one another and you can feel the strengthening and support that comes with an ongoing yoga practice.
We can meet for a coffee to discuss your needs, if we decide to work together, we schedule an initial session, and then take it from there.