Core Support: 6 Week COUrse

THURSDAYS 6.30-7.45pm

get in touch for details of next block


Learn progressively over 6 weeks together. In these 6 sessions we will focus on the deep inner core muscle called the psoas. Learn ways to soften, release, lengthen and move from the very centre of you. 

This is a strong, stable and cohesive practice of yoga asana that is full of integrity, your curiosity will migrate from the mat and into your daily movements.

Recordings of classes will be made available for 6 days after each session, time to catch up and revise before we meet again.

Janet’s core classes went far beyond the ordinary, inviting curiosity in the way I hold and move my body. The principles she taught are still with me months on and have changed the way I practice yoga. Not your average core class! This will open your mind - and body - to new levels of self  awareness, sensing and self-attunement.
— Emily, Core Support participant Jan 2024